An Unfortunate Arrangement. By John Hill. 2 Vols. (ward And
Downey.)—If an author determines to give his novel an autobiographical form, it would be as well not to make the autobiographer so thorough a scoundrel as Harold Stanton. Not......
The Origin Of The Human Reason : Being An Examination
of Recent Hypotheses Concerning It. By St. George Mivart, Ph.D., M.D., F.R.S. (Kagan Paul.)—This book marks another stage in the controversy between the author and Mr. Romanes......
Russia. By W. R. Morfill, M.a., Reader In Russian And
Slavonic in the University of Oxford. (Fisher 17nwin.)—This book is, as its author claims, something more than a compilation. It is a careful study of the rise and progress of......
The Log Of The' Nereid.' By Thomas Gibson Bowles. (simpkin
and Marshall.)—Mr. Bowles writes himself " Master-Mariner," and, we doubt not, can sail a yacht to perfection. But this does not imply that he is - wise in matters beyond his......