We welcome the first number, or, to be more precise,
a "special Imperial issue," of a new humorous illustrated penny weekly, for which the appropriate title John Ball has been revived. Many of the contributions, which are of the nature of pieces d'occasion, are of considerable merit. Sir Lewis Morris furnishes a Coronation Ode ; and "A. P. G." a eulogy of "Imperial Brotherhood." In the domain of humour the out- standing feature of the number is a delightfully witty Latin Coronation Eclogue by "A. D. G."—initials not unfamiliar to readers of the Spectator—in which a shepherd and a citizen strike an eminently modern bargain enabling the former to witness the
Coronation procession. We may quote the lines in which the citizen, who has two windows to hire, propounds the terms of the contract:
" jam venit in mentem ratio me teque juvandi :
tu mode fac siccas quae maduere genas. aspicis inscriptos passim medicamina colles, utque ferant variae nomina mercis agri : pistor et Hovis adest, fuerant ubi pastor ovisque, oceupat et totum pharmacopola nemus hnic jecur eat curae, pulmo sanatur ab illo : pars cupio tanti, si licet, ease chori. saponum lenge detergentissimus ille est quem facio : vestes (erode) lavare acquit : eujus saponis si me praeconia passim inter agros gratis proposuisse sines, ecce tibi geminas cupio donare fenestms !
hoc tibi lugenti quod medeatur erit."