Our New Foe.
[TO THE EDITOR OP TUE "SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—Mr. Brodribb's letter in your issue of June 14th gives an excuse for asking a question which has long seemed to me obvious. He says :—"......
The Late John Bellows.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SpecrAron.1 DEAR FRIEND,—May I, through the medium of the Spectator, ask those who possess letters written by the late John Bellows, of Gloucester, to be......
[to The Editor Op The "spectatop.."]
SIR,—As one who has grown up in steady admiration of the Spectator, may I venture to protest against the drift of the letter in your issue of the 14th inst. headed "Our New Foe......
George Wither's "hymns And Songs Of The Church."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." . 1 Sus,—It may interest many people to read to-day the very straightforward and comprehensive loyal stanzas on James I. with which George......
Board-school Scholars Who Have Fallen In The Late War.
rro THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."i you allow sue to make the suggestion that some memorial should be put up in any Board-school of which any old scholars have fallen in the......