The Monroe Doctrine.
[TO TIM EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] am glad to find myself in agreement with you on the true significance of the Monroe doctrine,—unfortunately so called, because it is not a......
South Afriqan Blunders: A Third Factor. Go Tier Editor Of
TIER ''SPRCTATOIL") SIR, — Is it quite fair to lay all the blame for the short- comings of our regimental officers on their military instructors, or even on the system......
"in Memoriam " : A Parallel.
[TO THE EDITOR OF TIER "SPECTATOR.'] SIR, — In regard to the vexed expression at the end of the third section of "In Memoriam," " a vice of blood," I am unaware that the......
Rro The Editor Of The "spectator.") Sir, — In The...
June 14th you say : "Thousands of good Churchmen, who would never abandon the designation ' Catholic' as the exclusive designation of the Roman Com- munion." I take it that you......
The Use Of The Word "catholic."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Snt,—I write with a mind filled with consternation. I have always looked to the arrival of the Spectator as a refuge to which I could betake......