[To THE EDITOR 07 THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—There are many people in Great Britain with a superfluous amount of wealth who, having no near relatives to whom to bequeath it, leave it to some charity or institution for scientific research, for the benefit of posterity. May I point out to some of these happy people a way in which they might spend some of this money, and have the pleasure of seeing for them- selves the benefit they have conferred on their fellow-beings P There is a great need, which I myself, as I go about among my poorer neighbours, have come to realize. We have sanatoria for consumptives and convalescent homes for ailing and convalescent people, but as yet there is no place to which those who are threatened with consumption or who are suffering from some slight tubercular ailment can be admitted. Sanatoria are, as a rule, far too expensive and are besides unnecessary for these cases, and from convalescent homes they are banned. Three or four weeks in mountain or sea air would work wonders for some poor soul—I know of such a case at the present moment—threatened with lung trouble, too weak to do her work, and with nothing to do but " hang about " the stuffy house and street in which she is forced to reside; too badly off to charter even a tram to carry her out to some purer air. It would not be right to send such cases to ordinary lodgings, even were the necessary funds provided; but if suitable houses were bought and maintained for the purpose there is no doubt such an effort would be "twice