SOME SMALLER' EXHIBITIONS. THE exhibitions in the art dealers' galleries are of more than usual interest this season. Lack of space makes it impossible to write here with any......
[tcr Rat Exams Or Ran Ofirscrasol".1 Sra,--i Wan Much...
in the suggestions .made for an inscription for the proposed monument to Sir John Moore. Everyone knows about Moore. Why P Surely from Wolfe's immortal lines on his death and......
PETER. . (A Kitten-Buried of Bea.) NOT in a garden of rose and lily Where the bee and the blackbird play, Not in a cloistered crypt and:chilly Under the minster grey; But -......
• "communicated," The- Editor Must Not Necessarily Te...
te in -agroestuntt with the views: therein expressed or with the mode of expression. In such instances . , or in the case of "Letters to the . Editor," insertion only_tneans -......
_the Commons Preservation Society • Fund.
'[Cheques should be addressed to the Spectator, 1 Wellington ''Street, Strand; - London, W.C., and made payable to the Spectator and crossed " Barclay and Co., Gosling's Branch,......