To Be Known To Be Widely Used By Those Travelling
by land or sea, who, by reason of their sex and youth, need care and supervision. The Travellers' Aid has been at work for nearly thirty years, meeting young women who journey......
The English Governess.
[To Tux EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin,--The article on this subject in your issue of June 7th must have been read with interest and appreciation by two classes of readers :......
Cheap Housing.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THl " SPECTATOR.") Sin,s—The problem of housing the working classes is now very much to the fore, and its difficulty is acknowledged by all. Various solutions......
[To . ms EDITOR or THE "SPECTATOR. " ] Sia,—Your article on this subject contains some valuable matter, but conveys little or no warning on the economic position. A middle-aged......
Imperial Migration.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE •'SPECTATOR.") SIR,—In reference to Mr. Sedgwick's letter• under the above heading, which appeared in your issue dated June 7th, may I make an appeal for......
Sir John Moore.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, —The English custom of writing pompous and foolish inscriptions upon mural tablets and monuments is one of those things which tend to......