Thursday's papers contain an appeal for funds for the Home
Science Department of King's College for Women. This admir- able proposal has been so often described and supported in the Spectator that we need not do more than put up this signpost to tell those who are willing to subscribe the road by which they may travel. Donations should be sent to the Bursar, Home Science Department, King's College for Women, 13 Kensington Square. An excellent site of two and a half acres has been secured on Campden Hill, and private gifts to the amount of £100,000 have been subscribed towards the building of laboratories and a hostel. A further £50,000 is required to equip the Department and make it worthy of the London University and of the tremendous task before it, the task of justifying the ways of science to the housekeeper and the wife—of bringing the genius of domestic economy out of the scullery and the wash-house into the class-rooms of the University.