Foreign Trade in May No spectacular increase in foreign trade
can be looked for under present world conditions, but it is satisfactory to note that the improvement of the last year was main- tained in the month of May, in respect both of imports and exports. As compared with last May there was a sub- stantial improvement in the export of manufactured articles in most of the principal industries except the woollen industry ; and in the latter we may discover a hopeful sign in the large increase in the imports of the raw material. The considerable 'crease in the imports of manufactured goods and luxery articles such as drinks and tobacco may partly be accounted for by the Jubilee ; but most of the improvement in imports was in respect of raw materials, which means that manufacturers have plenty of orders on their books or in prospect. Great Britain is very far from the recapture of her foreign markets ; but she is at least ahead of other countries in registering some progress in oversea trade.