- The Election To The Two Vacant Divinity Professorships At
Cambridge is getting near enough now - to quicken up speculation on the result. Whether there is any precedent for a double election I do not know. There are certainly not many.......
A Spectator's Notebook
W HAT strikes the eye about Mr. Baldwin's list of junior appointments is that the so-called Young Conser- vatives have come off rather badly. The Prime Minister put their......
Herr Von Ribbentrop Has Been Very Active During His Stay
in London, and by no means all his time and energy were devoted to the naval negotiations. lie has .taken the opportunity to inform himself very accurately about British......
Signor Virginio Gayda Has Rather Seriously Com- Promised...
reputation, which was con- siderable, in the last few weeks. It is a pity, for he is a most able journalist. He was that before the Fascist regime canie into existence, and......
I Suppose Some Reviewers Must Have Called Attention To A
rather remarkable passage in the recent Life of Admiral of the Fleet Lord Wester Wemyss, by Lady Wester Wemyss. If so, I have missed the reference. Lady Wester Wemyss, after......
To Eliminate The C3's
IT must be no small grati fi cation to Sir George -I- Newman, lately retired from the post of Chief Medical Officer of the Board of Education, to see the principles for which he......
Of A Forthcoming Novel : An Essentially English Novel,...
with the fine and simple things of life—birth, love and death. The plot 'is concerned with the strange repetition of the same situation from generation to generation. Yes, they......
The Lord Chief Justice's Determination To Die In Harness Has
been expressed more than once, and the death of his close friend Sir Horace Avory while still in active work as a High Court Judge will no doubt strengthen it; The inference is......