Companion Into Oxfordshire
By Ethel Carleton Williams But not, to be frank, an ideal companion. For one thing Miss Williams never writes about Oxfordshire, but only about churches and great houses and......
_ All About Tea
By William H. Ukers These .two--bulky volumes- (New--fork : Tea and Coffee Trade Journal,. $25) form a companion study to the monu- mental treatise on Coffee that Mr. Ukers......
Current Literature
POEMS OF TOMORROW Compiled by Janet Adam Smith This well printed and 'carefully produced book (Chatto and Windus, 5s.) is an anthology compiled from poems printed in The......
- The West Country ,
_ By R. A. J. Wallin - Devon is crowded with history, and Cornwall crowded with romance, and Devon and 'Cornwall together make 4 the Westeountry—in one word; pace_Mi. - Walling.......
Memory And Imagination
By Osbert Burdett Mr. Burdett's new book (Chapman and Hall, 12s. 6d.) is not an autobiography of an ordinary design. Mr. Burdett is now in his fiftieth year, and in " these......