Financial Notes . One of the good features of the
present time is the number of excellent reports issued by the leading home industrial concerns. In particular, I would draw attention to the very fine report just issued by the General Electric Company. Quite recently the dividend was increased from 8 to 19 .per cent., and the report now issued fully justifies the increase. The amount required for the dividend, however, is considerably more than a year ago, for it is paid on the new Ordinary shares issued last year in connexion with the Debenture redemption, which raised the issued Ordinary capital from £2,253,645 to £3,816,702. The profit for the year was no less than £1,184,483, as compared with £971,481 in the previous year. The sum of £40,600 is added to the Pension Fund, £142,576 to Taxation Reserve, and £98,883 to the Ordinary Reserve. Even after making these large allocations, the carry forward is 2467,000, as compared with £423,000 a year ago. With the addition of the premium on the Ordinary Shares the Reserve Fund of the Company is now £3,400,000, against £1,600,000, while the Debenture debt of £3,482,500 has been eliminated. It will be seen, therefore, that the position is a very strong one.
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