21 MARCH 1835, Page 10


Commissioners of English Church Reform was presented to the two Houses of Parliament on Thursday night. It relates solely to the Territory, Revenue, and Patronaga of the Bishoprics.

1st. Territory. It is proposed to erect two new Bishop:ice; one, of Manchester, to Le taken out of the diocese of Chester; another, of Ripon, to be taken out of the arch-diocese of York. Eta there will be no addition to the number of Bishops ; for it is proposed to unite the see of Baegur with St. Asap!), and Bristol with Liantlaff; transferring sonic of tine outlying parts of the see of Bristol in Wilts and Dorset to the Bishopric of Salisbury. There are some minor ar- rangements, and transfers from one see to another, but these are the principal.

2.d. Rectnue. The Commissioners furnish a table of the income of the various sees, on an average of three years ending:31st Dscember It-:31; with an intimation, however, that where the tines on the renewal of leases have been larger or smaller than the average amount during the three years on which tine calculation is formed, of course the statement is incorrect. We are not told in which of the sees this has been the case. The several Bishops transmitted these calculations to the Commissioners', and have added estimates of their future incomes, as will appear from the table which we subjoin': but how these results were arrived at, does nut appear.

Ne: Income on three

Dlo,7rsca Year,' .Average Estimated Future Ending Dee. 13, lzi31. C10,1'2 Nexl ii7vone.


E2ladltally inenea.ing to '20,7001. iii 1.73.;

York Chichester Chester

Ita:li itttl Wells 1.,r1i,le ISIta.,■4::ripli


wine ester Durham 11:::;1'64

11.17it 3,261 '2,..:13


-I 414

5,, it; :after Ili 3:::s600 . ;'1 k -.511:1 rafter 1533.] 17,500 10.750 :53;2%0 5,:.'al ..350 attiM

LUtidoll 12.621

'' 713 32,:16.,00 4 2',9 St. David's 1.:',47

Ely Llandati Lichfield and Coventry

Lincoln 432 11551:9211 4(.23; 1 o' 1 . , : 274 1 t301 1 401 1 4.200 2.316 4,350

Exeter 11.105 I ihmeester Ilerefcrl

Peterborough [subject to a coutingen1442y511:

Norwich 5.305 Os.liwil 2,048 Salisbury 3.939


ltudiester 53:0700

Worcester 6.569 6.59(1


The net income of all these Bishoprics, in 1831, was 157,7311., and- may now he calculated at 148,875/. Out of this sum the Commis- sioners say that an income cannot be provided for the two new Bishops; and as they wish to abolish tine practice of holding livings in cananeadant, they recommend that certain Cathedral refitment, especially in St. Paul's and Westminster, should be permanently attached to the new Bishoprics. Where the annual income of a Bishop is -1,5(10/. the Commissioners do not think any increase necessary, nor any decrease unless it exceeds 5,5001. ; but the two .Archbh.hoprics, with London, Durham, and Winchester, ought to have a larger provision than the rest.

3(1. Patronage. The Commissioners propose that the new Bishops should have the disposal of some, riot all the livings, inn the dioceses created for them. It is intimated, but not stated decidedly, that the course adopted by the Crown in the transfer of the income of the Prebendal Stall in Westminster to the living of St. Margaret, is to be followed by the Bishops as regards their Cathedral preferment.

In every ease, regard is to be bad to vested interests; and no changes whatever to be made without the consent of the present incumbents of sees and other Church preferment.