We Regret To Have To Announce The Loss Of The
packet-ship Sovereign, on her passage from London to New York, with a very valuable cargo on board. She went ashore on Tuesday night, on the Jersey coast, about thirty miles......
Had The House Gone Into A Committee Of Supply Last
night, Mr. ROEBUCK would have brought Lord CANTERBURY'S appointment as Commissioner to Canada under consideration. We are glad to see that he perseveres in his motion, which now......
Sir Robert Peel Sent An Epistle To Mr. Lirme Last
night, of the kind commonly esteemed warlike, in consequence of the caustic remarks of the latter gentleman, in the Irish debate of the evening, on the Premier's political......
SATURDAY. Tie Times this morning gives the following account of a motion an- nounced by Mr. WARD last night. " In the Ilouse of Commons, Mr. Ward gave notice. that on 11101.day......
We Have Taken Some Pains To Inquire Into The Arrangements
made for the residence of the Speaker ; and we find that the question was submitted by Sir ROBERT PEEL to the decision of the Committee appointed to report the plan for the new......
East India Shipping.
The winseales, Fisher, from Liverpool to Bengal, has put back to Fdlmouth, having sustained damage in the gales of the 6th and 711t lost mitt, and must discharge part of her......
Money A/ A Rket.
STOVE Cacti...NOV, FRIDAY AFTIRNOON. The English Stock Market has continued steady at prices varying little Iron those given in our last ; the attention of the speculators being......
Datil Send Newspapers With Markings On Them—they Are...
postage, under a recent act. Two Liverpool papers in this pradieumeut, and charged with 19s. 3d. postage, lave been refused this week. We must again crave the indulgence of......
Last Night's Gazette Annonnees The Appointment Of Lord...
Ambassador to the Court of France.......