Tie Times this morning gives the following account of a motion an- nounced by Mr. WARD last night. " In the Ilouse of Commons, Mr. Ward gave notice. that on be would trove th ,t the coniideration of the Army Estimates be po4poned until 'Per the decision of the House on Lord John Russell's motion retail% e to the Irish Church. Subsequently, Lind ,Tulin Russell postponed his, motion from Monday to another day, which he did not lie. We suppose, therefore, that Mr. Ward will not bring flaw:nal his motion."
This is a misstatement, and it is difficult to believe that it is not a wilful one. Lord JOHN RUSSELL has withdrawn his motion for the special Reports of the Irish Church Commissioners, because he finds there is no probability of their being ready,-in other words, because he knows they will be kept back on that pretence. But the principal and most important motion on the Irish Church still stands for Mon- day the 39111; and Mr. WARD intends to move, on Monday the 9.311, that votes of money on the Army Estimates shall be postponed until the decision of the house on that question is known. Mr. Wantis motion is not in the slightest degree affected by the withdrawal of Lord JOHN RUSSELL'S motion for Monday next.
It is certainly seasonable and proper that the consideration of the Army Estimates should be deferred until it is known what system of government is henceforward to prevail in Ireland ; for upon the deci- sion the House may come to on this question, the necessity of main- taining a large force there depends. Who shall sey, if a satisfactory arrangement of the Church question is made, that an army of between twenty and thirty thousand men will be required any longer in Ireland ? Why vote the means of keeping up so large a force, within six days of the period when that question must be determined ? Whoever concurs in giving Ministers the power, by means of a large army, of continuing the present system in Ireland, is in point of fact voting against Irish Church Reform.
Last night there was an inadequate attendance of the Liberal Mem-
bers; and as there was no reason to expect a division, the absentees are not very much to be blamed ; but they have due notice for Monday next ; and we can assure them there will be a keen inspection of the Division-lists, and the defaulters will not be allowed to escape unnoticed.