On The 24th Of January, There Was A Partial Insurrection
of the Negroes at Bahia, in the Brazils. The military posts were at- tacked by the Blacks with much bravery, but successfully de- fended by the soldiery. About forty Negroes......
There Is No Intelligence Worth Noticing From Spain Or...
this week.......
Time Caffres Were Still Ravaging The Country In The Vicinity
of Graham's Town, Cape of Good Hope, when the last intelli- gence, which reached to the 9th January, was sent from that quarter. They avoided an engagement with the troops of......
News Of The Week.
THE King has to thank his Tory Ministers for one of the se- verest shocks the Royal prerogative has sustained in modern times. The House of Commons, as we saw last Saturday,......
The Accounts From The West Indies Represent The Slaves In
some whole colonies and parts of others as working cheerfully under the new system; but there seems to be a determination to labour as little as possible on many large estates.......
The Stability Of The New French Ministry, Whose...
mentioned last week, is a subject of doubt. The Chamber of Deputies discussed the recent Ministerial changes and difficulties on Saturday and Monday last. The debate arose on......
The Viceroy Of Canton Has Been Suspended From His Office,
and deprived of his peacock's feather, by the Emperor of China, as a punishment for not hiving " blown the two small English vessels out of the water." These two mall vessels......