WAR•OFFICE, March 20.-24 Itegt. of Dragoons—Cornet It. S. Furlong to be Alija., taut. vice It ickets, who resigns the Adjutancy only. 16.1s Light Dragoons—R. Downie, Gent. to Ire Cornet, Ly puschase, vice Lindsay, who retires. Coldstream Regt. of Foot Guards--Lient.-Col. W. Beresforcl, from the half-pay Unattached, to be Capt. and Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice Hon. J. Forbes. deceased. 15th Foot—Ensign C. Mime to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Langmead, who retires; Sir W. Macgregor, Bart. to he Ensign, by purchase, vice Durue. 35th Foot—Lieut. I. 0. 51unton to he Capt. by purchase, vice Davis, who retires ; Ensign C. Ileamish to be Lieut. by purchase, vice 31unton ; F. 11. Henry. Gent. to lie Ensign. by purchase, vice Beamish. 434 Foot —Capt. C. r. lIeneage, from the halrpay UnathwInsl, to be Capt. vice W. S.Clements, who exchanges. 53th Foot —Assist.-Snrg. A. Shanks. M.D. from the 82d Regt. to be Surgeon, vice Campbell, appointed to the 93r1 Itegt. 57th Foot—Ensign II. 51. Smyth to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Baxter, who retires ; E. A. T. I .ynch, Gent. to be Ensign', by purchase. vice Smyth. 67th root—Capt, J. Carruthers, from the,95th Itegt. to bo Capt. vice Whyte, who exchanges. 90111 Feot —Capt. Lord A. Conyngliam, from the lialrpay. Unattached, to he Capt. vice R. S raton, who exchanges. 93d Foot—slug. J. Campbell, M.D. from the 55th Itegt. to be Sorg. vice E. Bush, who retires•upon halr pay. 95th Fort—Capt. C. J. Whyte, from the 67th Regt. to be Capt. Nice Cam- thers, who exchanges. 1st West India Regt —Copt . A. Doll hide, from the half pay Unattached, to be Capt. vice Kearney, whose appointment has not taken place. Memoranda—The Christian names of Licut..Col. Wemyss, our the half pay of the 99th Beet. are Thomas James: The hail' pay of Assist. Sung. A. Lusignan„ of the Canadian Voltigeurs, has been cancelled from the 1st of March inclusive, he having accepted a commuted allowance for his commission. 'rile half-pay of Capt. W. Joh n- son. of the Canadian Voltigears. has been cancelled from the 20th instant inclusive, he having accepted a commuted allowance fur Iris commission.