- but I attack you only on public grounds, as
a public elan. In the relations of posing which, the only fame—I should say the only notoriety—you possessed, was private life you may be, and 1 hope you are, all your friends describe. It will acquired ; and the condemnation of which bad, up to that moment, been the require the rarest domestic felicity to console you for public contempt, and the chief business of your life!
But the " fair trial" to which you originally I "ted your petition has already ditional and gratuitous insult, not calculated to render him either a more been granted ; your defence has been patiently. heard, and verdicts against you grateful subject or a better member of society. Had you possessed the candour have been returned. In place, however, of yielding to the condemnation pro• to admit and the spirit or the honesty to recant your errors—had you come in notinced with a distinctness sufficiently expressive, you have the incredible the freshness of conversion to aid the work of truth—then your conduct might meanness to avail yourself of a forbearance intended only for the illustrious per- have been explicable. But, as if to make solemn professions a mockery, and to sonage you have misled ; and you prefer quibbling on the words of the sen- render the faith of public men a byword and a scorn—for the more generous fence, to the more manly and honourable course of adopting its plain meaning. apoloey of momentary derangement cannot be pleaded in your defence—you de- You persist in standing forward as the individual pc, sonally hust qualified to claret, that in now advocating Catholic emancipation, no former opinion ever conduct the public business of the State, and continue to represent you' self as held by you of the baneful results it would produce to the State and to the the proper director of that onward march of improvement you have hitherto Church was changed or retracted. You still denounced it in every shape, under impeded and opposed. every modification, in all views, and in all places ; fiat justitia matt calling was lily immediate business is to show that you are totally tiefit for the task yen still maintained to be your rule of conduct ; and you supported the bill in the have so boldly undertaken ; that your pretensions to conversion are false, hollow, same breath in Which you condemned it ! Your temporary allies believed the and insincere ; and that, in other respects, you are not worthy to hold the eta- nicayure to be good and just; to them it was a work of consistency, honour, then you now occupy. and fair fame; but to you it was pollution and eternal disgrace. You deceived Your personal endowments I would certainly treat with respect did I enter- yo::r faction, you deserted your cause, you leagued with its enemies, you immo- tain any such feeling for them • but, in myjudgment, they have been singularly tared your public character on the altar of Power ; but you succeeded in the
overrated. You arc a tolerable scholar—that is, you are instructed in thee immediate object of your ambition, and—kept your place.
and Latin. I hope you understand the spirit of the authors front whom you Let me here pause to ask, who was your foulest reviler at this period ? who most frequently quote, as well as you remember their Finis. By dint of poured out the vials of wrath most copiously upon your bead? who echoed most study you have acquired some of the more useful attributes of a rhetorician ; loudly the piteous ravings of the monks of ,Oxford and the Orangemen of you have words under sufficient command to sustain a respectable part in a Dublin? who saw, in that event, and sotrowed for, not the downfal of religion, debate, or to make a tolerable after-dinner speech ; although their abundance but the inure deplored downfal of Church abuses? who denounced you as the contrasts remarkably with the paucity of ideas they ate found to convey. You faithless friend, the dishonoured statesman? who charged you with having possess ordinary information on many subjects, and you are especially excellent assumed the Leadership of his party- for the purpose of betraying it ? Take in commonplace. But you are altogether guiltless of comprehensive views ; him by the bend, Sir—lie is by your side. His opinion of your conduct is and if you have ever tittered a striking thought, or gives birth to an original unchanged ; lie has retracted none of the epithets with which he then branded conception, or said any thing worthy of remembrance, 1 have never been so you ; he has apologized for none of the terms with which he then insulted you ; fortunate as to acquire a knowledge of the fact, or even to hear it asserted by he has unsaid none of the charges he brought against you—but be is once more your warmest admirers. The solemn, in-sbe-tiame-of-the-propbet-fig manner of your yoke-fellow, your confidential counsellor, ready as well as certain to be your delivery, I grant to be well calculated to impose on the uninitiated. The again betrayed. He is once more your associate ; and now he is worthy to be Honourable Member for Khavesborough is reported to consider it perfect, and to so. Unable to raise yon frem the mire, he is content to lie down beside you. esteem your oratory the very essence of impassioned eloquence. No doubt, like When he next reproaches you with treachery or false faith and broken promises, blaster Stephen in the play, he ." would give forty pounds an' be bad the point to his rote on the Malt-tax, and bid him be Silent on the subject for ever. trick on't ;' and truly, to him, it might be worth the money. Sir Ilocee. The Men of Kent may forget his conduct—you will not. GRESLET, the Derbyshire pledge-breaker, is said to divide the blame of his Space fails toe for the present; in my next I shall resume your history. recent " mistake" between your :marker in modo and the " divine" inspira- Nesroa. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. tion with which he was so miraculously inflated. I have heard it asserted by
BIRTHS. others, that you have taken CICERO for your model ; but this must be either a
On the 16th inst., in Belgrave Square. the Countess of Rearixororr, of a daughter. calumny on the ancient Roman, or an indifferent joke upon yourself ; for you On the 17th inst., in Charles Street, Berkeley Square, the Hon. Mrs. Elam/sort, of certainly resemble him in no grester degree than the Achilks of Hyde Park Pittord, of a son,
may be supposed to resemble the Achilles of HOMER. Nevertheless, to speak
Bart., M.P., of a daughter. candidly, you make the most of your gifts ; your light is not hid under a On the 6th inst., at his residence in Grosvenor Street, the Lady of J. BARLOW HOY, bushel. Though it be but you never lose an opportunity of exhibiting its glimmer. True, it seldom
daughter. illuminates, nor can its feeble rays ever be mistaken for those of genius; but it
On the 12th inst., in Belgrave Square. the Hon. Mrs. FITZGInnon. of a daughter. is sufficient to enlighten the Duke, as well as occasionally to render your own On the 14th inst., at Woolwich, the Lady of WILLIAM FRASER, Esti , Royal Horse darkness visible. With every individual of the PEEL and DAWSON crew, Artillery, ern daughter, still born. with the whole generation of SHALLOWS, your base coin passes current ; On the 13th lust, iu l'ark Place, St. James's, the Lady of lloaaes Twiss, Esq, it has the glitter and the jingle of sterling money ; and it is only when weighed,
or closely examined, that the cheat is apparent. It would be unjust to deny,
On the 16th inst., at Orchard House, Northumberland, the Item Mrs. Cocnsos, of a however, that there is considerable skill in making formal plausibility serve the son and heir. . purpose of capacity ; and I willingly acknowledge that you have the merit of On the 15th inst., at Hull Place, Kent, the Lady of Captain HENRY WILSON, I have beard that the character you bore at school was that of a plausible, King's Dragoon Guards. of a son. cold-hearted, and insincere boy, ready enough at your task, and rather given to M.P, of a dauglder. MA It It !AG ES. what, in the exclusive seminaries of public education, is termed " tuft.hamting." On the 2d inst., at Berne, in the house of D. It. 'gorier, Esq., his Britannic Majesty's I am almost inclined to believe this to he correct; and that the propensities of Minister Plenipotentiary in Switzerland. JAMES DErmils-rovti, Esq., of Hermiston% to your early life have followed you into manhood—for every act of your political ISABELLA KATHERINE, eldest daughter of James Wolfe Murray. Esq. of Cringletie. career may be distinctly traced to motives similar to those which are said to On the 17th inst., at St Mary's. Bryanstone Square, JAMES KING SIMPKINSON, Esq., have governed your youtlifid conduct. 1 would willingly give you credit for to Meier COCHRANE, fourth it of the late K. F. Mackenzie, Esq., of 18, Mon- independence ; but I search in vain for a single act wherein sulaseivience and toque Street, Portman Square, and formerly his Majesty's Attorney General at the Fund of Grenada. sacrifice of principle are not painfully manifest. Nothing is clearer than the On the leili inst.. at Clare, Sala, THOMAS Ifilufat Ilninozs SzEvEris, Esq., of fact, that you are indebted for your present station, less to your actual fitness for Tamworth, Staffordshire, to MARIA ANN, eldest daughter of Samuel Stevens, Esq. of it than to your powers of cringing and the suppleness of your backbone. It Clare. is lamentable to think that a Prime Minister to the Xing of England could on the IA of November. at Jubulpoor, MANATON COLLIEHWOOD OMMANNEY, ESII., only reach that high office by first submitting to be the political valet of the uf the Hon. Bast India Company's Civil Service, son of Sir Francis (Mullaney, to Native Infantry. Bengal. I pass over all your " maiden speeches" and " first appearances" on the On the 18th inst., at St. George's Church, LAWRENCE, son of OEITWE011 KeyWOfflI, political stage ; and I likewise decline to notice the stories telated of you while Esq., of Everton, to Coal:m17z MATILDA, Ilangliter of the late John Thane, Esq., of at nurse as Irish Secretary. You shall have no room to shelter yourself behind New York. the inexperience of youth, and no excuse for errors committed under the in- Lately. at Steynton Church, Mr. Jour; THOMAS, mason, of Milford, to Mrs. fluence of evil example. I take you up when you had arrived at manhood, with ELIZABETH STYMY:Ns, of the former place. Tie bridegroom has attained the patri- archal age of 101 years, and is in possession of considerable property. The blooming convictions calmly avowed ; when, as the oracle of a powerful faction, your bride is 33, and about ten months ago sbe eonsigned her former spouse to the silent voice had weight, because it spoke sentiments which others had confided to On the 17th inst., Commander Si... PETER l'Auxvir, Bart. R.N., hi his 25th ; ear. Country. You affirmed that no lapse of time, no change of circumstances, no On the 13th inst., at his house in Ktimp Tov. zi, Brighton. WILLIAM TENNANT, Esq. practical necessity of party, could justify that which, in principle and in itself, was - • --- strous a proposition ; that you would ever abet a measure so fatal in its conse- L E T T E R S TO PUBLIC BIEN. quences to the dearest interests of your country. What ! desert the principles No. I. instilled in you from boyhood—which had become your religion, not merely be. TO SIR ROBERT PEEL. curse they were your father's, or had been swallowed with University oaths, but Sin—I devote to you the first of a SCI its of observations on public seen and because they were the result of deep of the slow growth of deliberate and " Ego to Tutus et in cute novi ;" you were mainly instrumental in passing into a law the very measure, by op-