21 MARCH 1835, Page 20

NEW MUSIC. English Romanza. Brilliant Rondo. New Rondo. Dedicated to

Miss PArrisom Deux Airs de Ballet. J. N. Mutant..

} J. B. CRAMER. Variations on a Theme (Op. 308). Impromptu on an Air of PAGANINI. March and Trio. H. C. DEACON.


We have placed these pieces for the pianoforte not in the order in which they reached us, but in that of their several merits. Caastett's rank the first in every respect ; and though among his lighter efforts, they bear that stamp of true elegance and refined taste which is sure to be impressed on every thing that he writes. fl estmea's two airs are mere trifles—probably written for some young lady's album. CZERNY'S are of the " gallop hard " school—void of sense or meaning, calculated only to puzzle the player, and first surprise and then tire the auditor. This method of writing for the pianoforte has one great advantage for those who cultivate it ; it requires no musical ideas, no mnexion, no melody, no meaning. No tvowler that so many of our juvenile .vriters, and Mr. Deaeux among the rest, take CZERNY rather than CRAMER for their model.