The Musical Library, No. XII.
The Instrumental part of this number contains oue of Mozaer's most popular airs (in A), with variations, abridged ; part of the Ninth Trio of MARTINI, arranged for the pianoforte, and two short pieces for the same instrument, by LINDPAINTER and WOELFL Among the Vocal music, are the well-known Glees, " Lightly tread," and " Return my lovely maid ;" the former of which is here ascribed to BERG, the latter to Lord MORNINGTON—We suspect incorrectly in both instances. The name attached to the first, in all the copies we have seen, is that of JOHN SCOTLAND; which, if a feigned name, was not likely to have been assumed by BERG, who was well known as a glee-writer, and gained the first prize given by the Catch Club. An author seldom disowns his best composition. With regard to the second, we state on the authority of one who knew Lord MORN, NGTON and all his cotem- porary musical associates at Dublin, that the glees (including " Return, my lovely maid,") published under the name of FRANCIS IRELAND, were written by Dr. IlUTCa1NSON of that city. Can the Duke of WELLINGTON settle the disputed question ?