21 MARCH 1874, Page 2

The Manchester Chamber of Commerce sent a deputation on Saturday

to Lord Salisbury, asking him to put a few gentlemen into the Indian Council "trained to the operations and require- ments of trade." The Secretary of State replied that he had always been of opinion that such appointments would be useful, but that he found serious difficulties in selecting persons who were of fitting calibre, who understood the kind of business the Council had to control, who were familiar with finance or com- merce, yet so completely unconnected with either that no sus picion could arise in the minds of a most suspicious population. He hoped, however, to find one or two as vacancies fell in. To find men such as the. Manchester deputation really wanted, men who will govern India so as to benefit English manufactures is easy enough, but to find men such as Lord Salisbury wants will, we suspect, be somewhat difficult. If a candidate is in trade he is. ineligible, if he has retired he is generally too old.