Dr. Wynter's Last Essays.*
DR. WYNTER is a "mighty hunter" after details. He likes to tabulate figures and to accumulate facts. He enjoys the kind of labour which most men of letters dislike, and it must......
Not A Heroine. By Ml ' S. Brookfield. 2 Vols. (smith, Elder,
and Co.)—Mrs. Brookfield speaks, we suppose, of Catherine Irving as being- " not a heroine," on account of the ease with which she transfers her affections ; but it must be......
Maoria : A Sketch Of The Manners And Customs Of
the Aboriginal' Inhabitants of New Zealand. By Captain J. C. Johnstone, Bengal Army. (Chapman and Hall.)—We have had quite a surfeit of New Zealand literature of late ; and......
Current Literature.
English Matrons, and their Profession. By L. F. M. (Sampson Low and Co.)—We had marked many things for unfavourable comment in this volume. L. F. M. is sometimes, we cannot help......