21 MARCH 1874, page 2

The Bishop Of Manchester, Dr. Fraser, Does Not Believe That•

a calamity like the Bengal Famine can be met, or even materially alleviated, by a public subscription. Being, though a Bishop, a man with great moral courage, he said so, and......

Sir P. Wodehouse, The Governor Of Bombay, Seems To Possess

both nerve and energy. The riots between Mussulmans and Parsees which we noted last week were rendered more dangerous by the unusual earliness of the Mohurrum, when, with the......

Mr. Disraeli's Reply Was Remarkable Chiefly For His Snub To

Sir W. Stirling-Maxwell, who had introduced the hostile element into the discussion of the Address, "probably. without con- sultation with anybody ;" and for his remark on the......

Marshal Serrano Is Preparing For His Grand Attack On The

Carlists round Bilbao, but is waiting still, some say for more artillery, and others for negotiations with the Carlist officers, which do not deserve to succeed. Meanwhile, his......

We Note Little Change In The Reports For The Week

upon the Bengal Famine. Mr. Forbes telegraphs to the Daily News that North Bhagulpore has been saved, by the exertions of Sir R. Temple ; but, on the other hand, the Times'......

Mr. Hall, The Conservative Candidate For Oxford, Has...

Liberal candidate, Mr. Lewis, by the very considerable majority of 462 votes, Mr. Lewis having polled 2,092 votes,— -within 190 of as many as Mr. Cardwell obtained a month ago,—......

A Number Of Despatches From The Gold Coast Have Been

pub- lished this week, but the newest of them takes the form of a series of notes from Captain Glover. The series is full of com- plaints, but as these will be angrily discussed......

Prince Bismarck's Illness, Severe Gout, Is Evidently...

in German politics seems to halt in consequence. The Military Bill has been crippled in committee, and it is even rumoured that the German Parliament may be adjourned over......

The Manchester Chamber Of Commerce Sent A Deputation On...

to Lord Salisbury, asking him to put a few gentlemen into the Indian Council "trained to the operations and require- ments of trade." The Secretary of State replied that he had......