Burdett's Official Intelligence, 1896. By Henry C. Burdett. (Spottiswoode and
Co.)—This is a complete record of Stock Exchange transactions, of investments dealt with, of the prices obtained, of liquidations, in short of all the vast multiplicity of affairs which are transacted in the "City." The "Liquidation List No. 2" (containing the names of companies that have gone into liquidation during the year past) is remarkably interesting. What queer names some of them have ! And there must have been not leas than a thousand. No wonder that one's breakfast- table is loaded with prospectuses. This gives more than three for every "lawful" day. One company out of the thousand was reconstructed, and that was a brewery.—We have also received Sells World Press, by Henry Sell (Sell's Advertising Agency). It is meant for advertisers. Here they will learn, if it can be learnt anywhere, where they are to get the value for their money. —The Newspaper Press Directory, 1896 (Mitchell and Co.), is a similar work with its description of all the newspapers published in the world.—Finally we have to mention The Australian Handbook (Gordon and Gotch). " Australia " includes, we see, New Zealand and New Guinea. The volume is a directory, and perhaps this would be a better designation, for the variety and amount of the information could not be crammed into any handbook.
Messrs. George Philip and Son send us some excellent maps of London. These are London Four and a Half Miles Round Charing Cross, North London, and South London. The scale of all is three and a half inches to the mile. The first is furnished with an index of streets, &c., and a list of places of amusement. Nothing could exceed the distinctness of the maps, which indeed are all that could be desired. A fourth is A Picture Map of London. Finally there is a Philip's Handy Volume Atlas of the County of London. The plates are sixty-five in number, fifty-five being sectional maps, on the scale given above, and twelve special maps and plans. The volume also contains a directory of public buildings, index of streets, list of cab-fares. The space included in the maps reaches nine miles east, five and a half west, six north, and seven south of Charing Cross. Epping Forest, Wimbledon Com- mon, Hendon, and Chislehurst come within the range.