The Italian Government Is Not Quite So Resolved To Avenge
its defeat in Abyssinia as was at first believed. General Baldisaera, it is said, found the army even more demoralised than he had expected ; great pressure has been put upon......
News Of The Week.
T HE expedition to Dongola is fully sanctioned by the British and Egyptian Governments, and the troops are already collecting at Wady Haifa. The force will consist of five......
There Is Not, So Far As We Can Perceive, Any
serious danger of European complications on account of the advance to Dongola. Germany, Austria, and Italy are, for reasons connected with the safety of the Italian Monarchy,......
An Interesting Debate Was Raised Yesterday Week In...
the Army Estimates by Admiral Sir J. Colomb, who thought that we have not nearly enough available force for transport beyond sea in case of war. He thought that a good deal too......
The Expected Debate On Egypt Was Raised On Monday Night,
when, in answer to Sir William Harcourt, Mr. Carson ex- plained that the Government bad for some time heard rumours of an advance of the Dervishes in large numbers into Upper......