21 MARCH 1896, page 16


MORE HAWARDEN HORACE. An JUSTINUM HISTORIAM NOSTRORUM TEMPORITM FERAGENTEM.—(0d. II. 1.) MOTU bf ex Metello consule 'Tis no milk-and-water fable to Bellique causas et vitia et......

The Church Reform Bill.

ITO VIZ EDITOR OF TRH " SFICCTATOR.".1 Sea.—Your admirable article under the above heading in the Spectator of March 7th leaves little more to say for the merits of the Bill now......

The Alleged Bordeaux Atrocity.

L'To TEE EDITOR OF THE * SPECTATOR:9 SIR,—The almost incredible atrocity to which you cal? attention in the Spectator of March 14th demands investi- gation, and probably there......

[to The Editoi Op The " Spectator:] Sir,—perhaps You Will

allow me to send you the following specimen of a "bull," which I heard from a Roman Catholic pulpit in England. The preacher may have been an Irish- man, but I am not sure. He......


[To THE Burros OF THE " SPECTAT0R:] SIR, — Will you kindly allow me to state through the medium of your widely read journal, that on April 2nd there will be opened a London......

I To The Burros Of Tee "spicreroz.".1

StR,—A " bull " is none the less palpable though the subject be serious. Shortly after the tidings came of the death of Prince Henry of Battenberg, the captain of the Boys'......

"the Devil's Case."

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—As you have informed me that you have no room for an elaborate letter, but will permit me to protest briefly against your criticism of......


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Persons who attribute either " bulls " or good sayings to the wrong people should be put to death, or obliged to copy out with their......