The Clergy Directory (S. S. Phillips) appears in its twenty-sixth
annual issue. It contains lists of clergy, with dates of ordination, preferments, or occupations, of benefices, patrons, cathedral bodies, church societies, &c. The volume is compact and moderately priced. The values of benefices want revising. One we observe to be overstated by 25 per cent. Either the nominal or the net sum should be given, but a conjectural compromise between the two is of no value.
Among the marvels which modern printing, with the help of modern papers—notably the Oxford India paper—is able to accomplish, must be reckoned The Oxford 7humb Prayer-Book, with Hymns, Ancient and Modern (H. Frowde and Co.) The Prayer- book contains more than a similar volume which we noticed last year, for it has the Calendar, the services for Public Baptism, Confirmation, and Matrimony. The edition of Hymns, Ancient and Modern is complete. The whole contains one thousand five hundred and fifty-eight pages, and weighs one and a half ounces. The Prayer-book and Hyena can be obtained in separate volumes.
We welcome the appearance of two familiar volumes, both useful, indeed it may be said, indispensable. These are Walford's I County Families of the United Kingdom (Chatto and Windua), in its "thirty-sixth annual publication," and Kelly's Handbook to the Titled. Landed, and Official Classes (Kelly and Co.), in its " twenty-second annual edition."