The Colonial party in Germany has received a severe blow.
Their opponents have repeatedly accused the Govern- ment of choosing bad men for Colonial office, and during a long debate which ended on Tuesday, Dr. Peters, the chair- man of the Colonial Association, was assailed with frightful charges. The most specific amounted to this, that, while a Governor in Africa, be hanged a negro girl who was his mistress for infidelity, and also banged her lover. It was even alleged that in a letter to the English missionary
Bishop he had admitted the facts, but pleaded that the mistress was by native law his wife, and that he had hanged her for adultery. Dr. Peters denies the accusa- tions, and the letter; but his accusers, through Herr Bebe!, reiterate their charges, and the Government, fairly shocked, has ordered a disciplinary inquiry. It is, however, alleged that, even if Dr. Peters is guilty, he could not be brought before a criminal court, as he had not exceeded his authority, and his motives of action in using it could not be proved to the satisfaction of lawyers. This is the third case of the kind in German .A.frioan Colonies, and yet German officials wonder why, even when they have acquired Colonies, German settlers prefer to emigrate to America and the British Colonies.