SIR,—In reply to the letter in the Spectator of March 14th re the suggestion of the above being sent round the country for the purpose of stimulating recruiting, it may be of interest to know that I have four exhibitions of " Our Navy " which have been touring throughout the British Isles for the past four years, and it may be gratifying to know that excellent results have been obtained, numbers of boys having joined after seeing my exhibition. It may also be interesting to know that in towns where there are boys' institutions they receive a special invitation to be present free of charge, and a special afternoon is generally arranged for schoolboys to attend at a very nominal sum. Thus I have been fulfilling .for the past four years the suggestion thrown out in the letter published by you.—I am, Sir, &c., A. J. WEST, F.R.G.S.
The Polytechnic, Regent Street, W.