In The House Of Commons On Monday Mr. Arnold-forster...
the Navy Estimates, which are over£34,000,000, and show an excess of expenditure of £3,000,000 over the Estimates of last year. The personnel shows an increase'of 4,600 men, and......
Our Whole Admiralty Policy As Regards The Colonies Is...
bad. Our statesmen grumble because the Colonies are apathetic, and yet will not allow them, or at any rate will not help them, to make the form of contribution towards naval......
On Wednesday When The Army Estimates Were Under Dis- Cussion
Mr. Vicary Gibbs moved the reduction of the vote by three thousand men in order to draw attention to the uneasi- ness felt at the quality of the recruits. The result of his......
In The House Of Commons On Thursday Mr. Chamberlain, Who
met with a most cordial welcome when he returned to England on Saturday last, and who yesterday received an address at the Guildhall, made two speeches of great importance,......
In The Lords On Friday Week Lord Newton Called Attention
to the condition of Macedonia, thus giving the Bishop of Here- ford an opportunity of making a very striking and earnest speech on behalf of the Macedonians. This brought up......
On The Labour Question In The Transvaal Mr. Chamberlain...
most emphatically that there was no demand for forced labour in any shape or form by any responsible authority or persons. It was right that the natives should pay some taxes,......
The By-election In The Rye Division Of Sussex Has Ended
in a victory for the Liberal candidate, who was returned by a majority of 534 votes. At the last election the Unionist can- didate carried the seat by a majority of 2,489. There......
On Tuesday The Discussion Of The Navy Estimates Was Re-
sumed. The most important point raised was the question of Colonial contributions, several speakers agreeing with Mr. Robertson that the Colonies ought to recognise their moral......