The New Volunteer Regulations.
[TO TUB EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—Your footnote to the letter of "H. K. S. " in the Spectator of March 14th hits the nail on the bead. Is a man useless as a Volunteer......
A Long-lived Undergraduates ' Society. [to The Editor. Or...
Sxn, — In the Spectator of January 31st you published a letter regarding a "Long-Lived Undergraduates ' Society " which is especially interesting in view of a dinner we have......
Man's Place In The Universe. [to The Editor Of The
"SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—Referring to "Man's Place in the Universe" (Spectator, March 7th), if there were an interstellar atmosphere corre- sponding to the terrestrial atmosphere,......
The Grave Of Richard Jefferies. [to The Editor. Of The
"SPECTATOR."] Sin, — A friend had told me that Richard Jefferies was buried in the cemetery at Broadwater, near Worthing, and I went to search for his grave. The sexton knew......
Mr. Churton Collins On Tennyson.
[TO TUE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin, — In your notice in the Spectator of March 14th of Mr. Chnrton Collins ' s book on Tennyson the writer observes (speaking of " The......
" Our Navy. "
[TO THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — In reply to the letter in the Spectator of March 14th re the suggestion of the above being sent round the country for the purpose of......