[TO TUE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—In your notice in the Spectator of March 14th of Mr. Chnrton Collins's book on Tennyson the writer observes (speaking of " The Princess," Part II.), " Rhodope is cer- tainly an error." The mistake lies not so much in the quantity of the word as in the confusion of two different names. " Rhodope " is right enough, but the poet has confounded the Thracian mountain chain so named with "Rhodopis," the reputed builder of the third pyramid, who is said to have completed the work which Mycerinus, the late Bing, had begun. Herodotus discredits the story of Rhodopis, and gives good reasons why it should be rejected (see Herodotus, Book II., chaps. 134-35).—I am, Sir, &c.,