A Red, Red Rose. By Katharine Tynan. (Eveleigh Nash. 6s.)
—This book has been something of a disappointment. We expected to find a gracious and pleasant story of the "Handsome Brandon" kind, but have not found it. Two Americans buy a house which the owners have been compelled to sell; that serves as a sort of prologue to a tale compounded of love-making and religion. There is a ridiculous old Duchess who makes flannel petticoats for dwellers on the Equator. • That is a thread- bare bit of humour; if we are to have ridicule of the not too numerous people who try to do a little good, something better might be invented. The Duchess has a very high-minded daughter who is received into the Roman Church,—not exactly a suitable incident for a novel. Then there is an admirable parson, of a nondescript kind ; the " red rose," his daughter, and her lover, whose story is not a little tangled; and so forth. There is sure to be something good in what "Katharine Tynan" writes; but this is not her best quality of work.