Constructive and Preventive Philanthropy. By Joseph Lee. (Macmillan and Co. 4s. 6d. net.)—This book is a kind of digest of American philanthropic effort, and may prove, we think, very useful to those engaged in similar work both in London and the country. The philanthropic agencies work- ing among children in New York are many and successful, and the accounts here given of boys' clubs and girls' clubs, children's savings - banks, country holiday associations, dm., are'. not. only full of valuable hints, but are really very enter- taining reading. The writer makes a great point of " vacation schools," which have lately been tried on this aide of the Atlantic also. American vacation schools offer the children three hours' light work and improving amusement under suitable leadership daily, and they do not lack scholars. Much more effort is made in New York than in London to supply school-children with playgrounds. The ingenious invention of the American has got over, to some extent, the difficulty pre- sented by lack of space. Mr. Lee describes some " recreation piers" built over wharves in New York where the children play high above the water. One or two chapels also have set a good example by placing sandheaps in their yards wherein children can dig and play and imagine themselves on a beach. The roofs of many schools are also used as playgrounds. We recommend Mr. Lee's book to all who are interested in its subject.