Thew Enrrions.—In the " Biographical Edition of the Works of
Charles Dickens" (Chapman and Hall, 3s. 6d. per vol.), we have received Vols. XIII. and XIV.,Little Dorrit and Christmas Stories. As to Little Dorrit, one reads with some surprise that "it still holds its own." Not a few readers who are never tired of the earlier books, down to "David Copperfield," have not been able to get through it. As to the stories, we have some interesting details. " Mugby Junction " reached a sale of two hundred and fifty thousand by December 27th (1866).—Prince Charles Edward Stuart. By Andrew Lang. (Longmans and Co. 7s. 6d. net.)—Songs and Verses. By G. J. Whyte-Melville. (Ward and Lock. 2s.)— The Law of Copyright. By T. E. Serutton, K.C. (W. Clowes and Sons. 15s.)—James and Molo"s French Dictionary. Rewritten and Enlarged by Louis Tolhausen and George Payn, assisted by E. Heymann. (Macmillan and Co. 4s. 6d.)—Two on a Tower, and The Woodlanders. By T. Hardy. (Same publishers. 38.6d.)