Sta,—On March 7th you published a letter from Stanley G. Evans about the prosecution of the Rev. Michael Scott for taking up residence in a native village without the required permission. As the case is sub judice I *nay not enter into a discussion of its merits. I am, however, concerned about the insinuation in the letter that the case. against the Rev. M. Scott was postponed because he was needed to help with an outbreak of smallpox in the native village concerned. I have since been informed by my Government that the outbreak of smallpox actually occurred about a month before the case against the Rev. M. Scott was started. The case has since been postponed to enable the Crown to produce evidence that the native village falls within an urban area, as this fact is not admitted by the defence. The postponement has nothing whatsoever to do with the outbreak of smallpox.—Yours faithfully, E. K. SCALLAN, Acting High Commissioner.
South Africa House, Trafalgar Square, W.C. 2.