When Our Parliamentary Correspondent Wrote A Week Or Two Ago
that if the Colonial Secretary had been a gladiator in the Roman arena the assembled spectators would have turned their thumbs up and left him to his fate it was assumed by......
The Name Hornbostel Caught My Eye At Once When I
saw it in a Vienna telegram in the Manchester Guardian on Tuesday, for I have memories of a very pleasant meeting with Herr Hornbostel at lunch at the British Legation at Vienna......
A Spectator's Notebook
I T seems strange that Lord Tyrrell should have been best known to nine-tenths, or nineteen-twentieths, of the people of this country as a name on the certificate shown on the......
I Am Indebted To Several Friends And Readers For Copies
of the latest circular issued by Tote Investors' Limited, Chairman, Lord Milford. I agree that it is a most interesting document: What could be more engaging than the opening......
Washington And Moscow
A T Washington as well as Moscow the re-shaping of the world is going forward. The fate of President Truman's bold initiative is still uncertain. The assent of Congress to the......
I Am Grieved To Have Grieved Those Whom I Should
grieve to grieve. But it seems that I have. A few weeks ago, writing on something concerning Cambridge, I added incidentally, " I note without comment that Cambridge heads the......
The New Governor Of The Sudan Will Not Have A
job comparable to that of the new Governor-General of India, but it will be a formidable enough task, none the less, with the Sudan—or rather the conditions of Sudanese......
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" Comment is free," as C. P. Scott, the great Editor of the Manchester Guardian, observed in a dictum that has become classic. It is proper therefore that the Guardian should......