Snore-like Sounds
Sm,—Did Mr. Harold Nicolson really mean to suggest that the Economic Survey and the Battle for Output were " two most stertorous warnings " ? One might well agree that they......
The High Cost Of Postage
Sta,—Mr. D. Groyther Moore does well in calling attention to the profiteering of the Post Office which, in spite of a surplus of £36,000,000 in 1945-46, still charges 21d. for......
In My Garden
Since some doubts are felt by gardeners as to the hardiness of that most lovely shrub the camellia, I make no apology for giving further details from a successful cultivator.......
White Man Among Blacks
Sta,—On March 7th you published a letter from Stanley G. Evans about the prosecution of the Rev. Michael Scott for taking up residence in a native village without the required......
Catastrophe Of The Bee
During one of the brief spells of sudden warmth in the midst of the long frost, the bees, whose hives were in a suntrap, came out in numbers and died from the change that......
The Age Of Trees An Ingenious Arboriculturist In Surrey Has
been arriving at certain conclusions which should interest the "Men of the Trees," who are reviving their summer meeting (at Cheltenham). He has been studying yews, the most......
A Parcel Of Books
find it difficult to decide what books to put into a parcel that I am sending to a German friend now head of the English Faculty in a university in the American zone. I would......
Country Life
IT is generally thought and said among country people that a late spring is desirable. In some regards it is. The hybridisers of apples, for example, have been concentrating on......
Payment By Results
Sta,—What is not generally apparent in current articles and corre- spondence, and is ignored by the T.U.C., is the fact that some years ago Stalin and his Comintern found it was......
Kiwi Redux It Is, I Believe, A Surprise To Many
New Zealanders, as to most of us in their Antipodes, to know that the kiwi, which has become a sort of national symbol, is not extinct nor now likely to become extinct. It has......