21 MAY 1831, Page 12



On the 1111; inst. at Windsor Castle, the Hon. Mrs. Easel NE, of a daughter. At Windsor, the Lady of Col. MILMAN, Coldstream Guards, of a son. On the 9th inst. at Aldridge Rectory, Staffordshire, the Lady E3IILY Hanorso, of a daughter. Oct the 9th inst. at her father's house, Enfield, the Lady of Capt. CONNOP, of a son, still-born;.

On May 12th, at Hove, near Brighton, the Lady of the Rev. GEORGE MILLET:, of a son.

On the 15th inst. Mrs. WeNtruAat Pon TAIAN, of a son. On the 15th list. at Vauxhall, Dirs, Crianans L. Fit.excis, of a daughter. On the 16th inst. in Connaught Square, the wife of W. H. PLACE, Esq. of a daughter.

On the 12th inst. the Lady of ALEXANDER TAYLOR, Esq. of High Elms, rear Farnborough, tient, of a son.

On the 18t1. inst. at the Palace, Fulham, Mrs. B LOStri ELI). of a son.

On the 11th must, in Stratton Street, the Lady of Lieut.-Col. BARNARD, of a sou and heir.

On the 18th inst. in Upper Harley Street, the Lady of RicuAnD JENKINS, Esq. M.P. of a son.

On the 16th inst. at Herne Hill, Mrs. ARNOT, of a daughter.


On the 17th inst. at St. George's, Hanover Square, the Right Hon, ROBERT GROS- VENOR, youngest son of Earl Grosvenor, to the HOD. CHARLOTTE A. WELLESLEY, daughter of Lord Cowley. On the 12th inst. E. It. BOROUGH, Esq. eldest son of Sir Richard Borough, Bart. to Lady ELIZABETH Sr. LAWRENCE, youngest daughter of the late and sister of the present Earl of Howth. On the 14th inst. JOHN WHITE, Esq:surgeon, of Dartmouth'Street, Westminster to FaAreces CarmaINE, only daughter of Charles Waite, M.D. of Hope Lodge' Woodford, Essex. On the 18th inst. at St. George's, Hanover Square, I'VrtmAar, eldest son of Sir William Curtis, Bert. to GEORGLANA MARIA, eldest daughter of the late John Stratton, Esq. of Portugal Street, Grosvenor Square, and of Farthiee-hae Lodge, in the county of Northampton. On the 17th inst. at Kensington Church, and afterwards at the Catholic Chapel! MAXI MILI.4N JOSEPH JAQUES BERNHARDT, M.D. to Mademoiselle JULIE COB- BET CALMUS.

On the 113th inst. in the Cathedral of Kilkenny, HARRIET ELEANOR WAND ES- FORD, daughter of the Marquis of Ormonde, to Rosette* Fon'ten, Esq. son of the Lord Bishop of Ossory.


On the 14th inst. at his house in Bedford Square, after a few days' illness, JONATHAN RAINY:, Esq. M.P. in his 68th year. OR the 25th ult. at Wandsworth, Surry, in her 86th year, ANN, the relict of the late Rev. R. Holt Butcher, and many years vicar of that parish. On the 11th inst. Mrs. LAWLESS, wife of Barry Edward Lawless, Esq. of Har- court. Street, Dublin.

On the 13th inst. after a few (lays' Illness, at Hendley Hall, Lancashire, the seat of his brother, Sir Robert Holt Leigh, Bart. ROGER HOLT LEIGH, Esq.

On the 6th inst. at the Haining, Selleirkshire, in his 34th year, Jona: PRINGLE,. Esq. of Clifton. On the 1Sth inst. the Rev. HENRY ALEXANDER DE LA FITE, A.M., Evening Lecturer of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, tee. On the 25th of March, at sea, on board the ship Nancy, bound from Calcutta to, Bordeaux, near St. Helena, JAMES CARNEGIE, Esq. jun. of the East India Com- pany's Bengal Civil Service. On the 17th inst. at Marlborough House, Lemma]) JOHN, eldest son of Sir Robert Gardiner, in his 13th year. On the 18th, JOHN VAUG //AN, sixth Viscount and third Earl of Lisburne, formerly a Colonel in the army.