The Austrian Observer Says, That Dwernicizi Had Been...
in the combat, of the 1 eth as well aS in that of the 27th; and denies that the Russians first violated the neutrality of the Austrian territory. The Observer adds, that the......
News Of The Week.
THE English elections may be said to be over ; the only ones that remain undecided are those for Northamptonshire, where Mr. CARTWRIGHT and Lord MILTON, and Pembrokeshire, Where......
The Capital Of In Area Seanrr To He Insti Ed
to a state 0. pec■cct tranuiihly. Tint!. rand review of the Nittioual Guard took place on Sunday ; tht number of trocps; Was about 100,000. Lours PHILLIP was received bv them......
The Congress Of Belgium Met On The Htli, To Rediscuss
the question of tIre settlement of the Governmont. Prince LEopoLn sai Ito have asked the Deputies who olfeivil him the crown of Belgium, IN hat Belgium was? It is a query which......
Election Of Scotcii Ps:rms.—we Have Authority To State,...
is the avowed intention of his Majesty's present advisers not to send down, as heretofore, a signed list of Representative Peers, in that manner dic- tating to the ancient and......