21 MAY 1831, page 12

The Money Market. The Money Market.

STOCK ExcaAxon, FRIDAY Evnxis G.—Although we have not had much busi- ness here this week, there have been some material fluctuations. On Monday, Con- sols, which had closed last......

The Army.

WAR-OFFICE, May 17.-4:11 Rect. of Light Dragoons : P. B. Nesbitt, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Anstey, who retires-13th Light Dragoons : Ens. J. H. Gray, from the 15111......

The Universities. Oxford.

May 19.-The Classical Class List, for Easter Term, has just appeared, and is as follows:- CLASS I.-T. Acland, Christ Church ; IL Browne, St. John's; 11. Churton, Dal- Rol ; T.......

The Church.

The Rev. T. Hutton Croft was, on Saturday last, installed of the Prebendary of Stillington, in York Cathedral, vacant by the death of his father, the Rev. Robert Croft. We......

Births, Marriages, And Deaths.

BIRTHS. On the 1111; inst. at Windsor Castle, the Hon. Mrs. Easel NE, of a daughter. At Windsor, the Lady of Col. MILMAN, Coldstream Guards, of a son. On the 9th inst. at......

From Th E London Gazettes.

Tuesday, Nay 17. pmts.:el:as ics DISSOLVED. GENT and PAGE, Nottingham, curriers-APLeon and HILL, Parliament Street, Westminst er, wi ne-merchants-MA N1.0 V.13 and HARRISON,......

East India. Shipping.

The Company's Ship Winchelsea, Burt, from London, which put into Cork on the 11th inst. has been surveyed, and found unfit to proceed on her voyage to China. The Company's Ship......