The capital of in area seanrr to he insti ed
to a state 0. pec■cct tranuiihly. Tint!. rand review of the Nittioual Guard took place on Sunday ; tht number of trocps; Was about 100,000. Lours PHILLIP was received bv them anti by the people with most un- equivocal applause. lie inns since set out on o tour to the Western provinces ; in which every preparation is making to render the royal visit a visit of pleasure end triumph. As tranquillity grows in the capital, disturbances grow in the country. La VeniV:e, which has always been the stronghold of the Royalists and in a yen' ar-itated state : the conscripts have refused to march, tto.l the Government has been compelled to proclaim martial Inc ins one of the most riotous of the arrOirli8Selnen,. The Gazette tip Jeanne complains of this act of the Government ; which is perhaps its best justification.