The Congress of Belgium met on the Htli, to rediscuss
the question of tIre settlement of the Governmont. Prince LEopoLn sai Ito have asked the Deputies who olfeivil him the crown of Belgium, IN hat Belgium was? It is a query which might cer- tainly he put more easily than answered. The Belgian con- stitution clecials Llixembraurg an integral portion of Bel- gium; the Sovereigns (lector: it an integral portion of Hol-
land ; Wilt) shall decide the difference ? Tra,t Times advises
the Belgians to buy it of the Kinn* of Holland. We have
no doubt the King would sell it, and half a dozen provinces more—it is in his way ; but where is the purchase-money to come from? Our contemporary attributes all the evils of Belgium to DE POTTER. For our parts, we begin to think DE POTTER the only man of sense and energy that Belgium possesses. Had he been allowed to declare a republic at once—which the people, after all the talk of monarchs, evidently look on with a favourable eye,—the G.wernment of Bekium would long ere now have been settled and secure. The second best thing Nvould have be2n to take the Prince of ORANGE ; but the Belgians do not like second bests.
On the 13th, a party of Dutch troops seized the neutral, or what was supposed neutral fort of St. Laurent, at Antwerp—very much to the alarm of the inhabitants and authorities. What may be the result, or if it will lead to any result, we do not pretend to
foretell. If Enndand contrive to keep out of the scrape, we shall not very det.ply interest ourselves in the struggle between WiLLIa7a end S;1"111.E.T DE CTIONIF.R. If left to themselves, they viill, we inini..4ine, come to a spydier and more satisfactory settle- ment than tie,y would with all 1neeeiai to lack their endeavours.