Om a recent visit to the studio of this talented sculptor, whose works are now exhibiting in Pall Mall, we had the gratification of seeing busts of the poet Wonnswoani, and of Mr. LOCKHART, the Editor of the Quar- terly Review. The forehead and upper part of the poet's face are fine, and possess a philosophical character, which the lower part does not so well sustain. We think that the head would be more grand if it were in a bowed attitude, and which also would be more characteristic of the reflective mind of the original. The critic's face is very peculiar in its character. The forehead is compact, and the perceptive faculties are well developed : the features are well cut and sharply defined, the mouth small and lips thin, the nostrils acutely formed and well opened ; the entire expression is bard and rigid, conveying the idea of a keen, cold, shrewd, biting intellect. It is a face critical ; the acumen and com- pressed energy and intrepidity of which are prominently remarkable, and characteristic of one " cunning in fence." The look is scalpel-like ; and we fancy a poor author's book under the ivory dissecting-knife of the original, who seems a ruthless cutter-up. There is also, in remark- able contrast to the preceding, a bust of the Earl of Ernioi., the King's son-in-law : it is the head of a well-featured and handsome-looking gen- tleman, and an excellent likeness.