A copy of the letter of the British Consul, Mr.
HOPPNER, to Viscount SANTAREM, has reached London. It reads a severe, and what must have been felt as a most humbling lesson, to Don MIGUEL and his Government. The demands include the fullest and most complete vindication of British honour. "They admit," says Mr. HOPPNER, " Of no modification ; and I must have a ca- tegorical answer to them in ten days, under penalty of immediate reprisals on the whole of the vessels bearing the Portuguese flag." We mentioned last week, that the Usurper submitted to the dicta- tion of the Consul, enforced by six British men of war in the mouth of the Tagus, with the promptitude and pliancy which his former outrageous insolence warranted our Government in antici- pating. Bullies, great or little, are always cowards.