BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.)
Saturday Monday. Tuesday. Wedses. Thurs. Friday.
3 per Cent. Console 92} 921 921 921 924 92} Ditto for Account 92} 921 921 921 928 92.1.
3 per Cents. Reduced 911 911 9i4 914 911 91}
34 per Ceuts Reduced
New 31 per Ceuts 991 1004 99e 1004 991 1001 991 1051 991 1001
Long Annuities
Bank S'ock, 7 per cent.
121 1671 124 168 121 167 124 168 121 168 1 16 7i 24 India Stock, 104
249 249 249 250 250 Exchequer Bills. 24 per diem. 39 pm. 39 39 al 37 35
India Bonds, Si per cent..
21 pm. 21
18 19 21 (Last Official Quotation Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. Ct. Arkansas (1863) 6 - Austrian 5 - Belgian 5 - Brazilian 5 Buenos Ayres 6 - 6 -
CChuibriau 6
Columbian of 1824 6 - Danish 3 - Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) 21 - Ditto (Ditto) 5
Friettonch 3 -
Ditto ex d.5 - Indiana (Sterling) 5 - Illinois 6 Kentucky 6 - Louisiana (Sterling) 5 - Maryland 6 - Mussachussetts (sterling)5 - FOREIGN during the - _
- 103 674 - 75 84 27 - 53 1014 -
119f. 25e 19 20 - - FUNDS.
Weekending Friday Evening.) Mexican 5 p. Ct. Ditto (Deferred) 5 - Michigan 6 Mississippi (Sterling) 6 Neapolitan New York (1855) Ohio 6 Peunsylvania 5 Peruvian 6 Portuguese 3 Ditto 6 Ditto (New) 5 Russian 5
Spanish 5
Ditto (Passive) Ditto (Deferred) South Carolina Tennessee 56 - p. Ct.
United States Bank
Virginia s -
64 104
102 50 191 22} 631
22} 101 SIIARES.
during the Week, eliding Friday Evening.)
- British North American - Colonial - London and Westminster - London Joint Stock - National of Ireland 311 National Provincial Provincial of Ireland Union of Australia Union of London
East and West India Loudon St. Katherine
Australian Agricultural British American Land Canada General Steam New Zealand Royal Mail Steam South Australian Vat. Diemeu's Land BULLION.
Gold, Foreign In Bars .....per oz. 31. 17o. 9d Old Spanish, or Pillar Dollars.... 0 0 0 Mexican Dollars 0 4 91 Silver in Bars. Standard 0 4 Ilt
Copper, British Cakes..per ton MI. O.. Iron, British Ban e 0 Lead, British Pig 18 10 Steel, English ...... 0 0 to 0 0 0- u a 0- 0 0 0- 0 0 20 to 21 22 .. 24 t4..25 58 .26 25 .. 27
I.o.M. 10 I 10 4
Wheat, RedNew 50 1634 Fine 32 .. SS White 52 .. 58 Fine 59 .. 65
(SaerOne New 64 .. 70
64 .. 70 AVERAGE PRICES Per Quarter (Imperial)
Wheat 60.. Od
Barley 15 8 Oats i9 6
lire 86 to 38 Barley.... 25 .. 26 Dian mg Y6 .. 29 Malt, Ordinary 52 .. 56 Fine 56 .. 60 Peas, Hog Y9 . 31
Lane, May 20th.
Maple 31 to 32 White Si ..33 Boilers 85.
Beans, Ticks 27 . 29 Old
Harrow. 52..34 Oats. Feed Fine Poland Fine Potato Fine
Week Rye Beans Peas ON FOREIGN OF CORN. DUTY of England and Wales.
rye Ms. 3d. Wheat
Beans ... ..... al 0 Barley Pens.. 30 0 Oars For the present
II. ed
10 0 7 0
BUTTER-Best Fresh, urs.0d. per dos. Carload!. Os. to 01.0s, per cwt.
BACON, Small New, per cert. 485. to 551. CHEESE. Cheshire 066.10 WM. Derby Plain Ms. to Ms. HAMS, York to 824.
EGGS. French... per 140 3s. 94. to 5s. 00.
HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)
Hay, Good 90s... Ms 50s... Mo..... 00s... 951. Mts.. 54
Inferior 68 .. 78 u .. 5 80 ..GO 0 .. 0 New 0 .. 0 .... 0 .. 0 0 .. 0 50 .. 84 Clover 110 .. 115 63 .. 112 80 .. 110 .. .. 50 •• 119 Straw, 11 heat as .. 43 30 .. 40 SO .. 45 55 . 40
Bee Mutton Veal Pork Lamb Friday... Monday
NEWGATE AND LEADENHALL.• 2s. 4d. to So. 4d. ..
8 0 .. 4 8 0 ,. 4
5 4 .. 0
• T HEAD 0
to Ho. 10d. Its. Od. to 0s. 04. to 4s.
II 10 .. 4 4 .. 5
.. 5 0 4 d .. 0 0 .. 0 .. .5 0 4 0 .. 0 0 .. 5 6 4 6 s .. o 0 .. 0
sink the offnl-per albs. CATTLE AT SMITHFIELD. Sheep. CAM. rigs. 660 „.„. ... S,086 285 401 2,071 25,850 .. ..... . 93 SUP Ids 0
TEA. Rohe., fine, p. lb. le.-14.74.
Congou, fine ..... -I 6 Souchone, One 1 9 -5 • In Elond-Dory Is. Id. per lb. COFFEE, fine (in bd) per cot. Ms. 1454. Good Ordinary C6s. to 96s. SUGAR, Mu•rovedo . per cal.119 • Si' West India Molasses ... rag. to 50s. ed.
Maims Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Rey) British Iron Cala Branca Candouga Cobra Copper
RAILWAYS- Cheltenham and Great- Western
Eastern Counties Grand Junction Great Western Liverpool and Manchester London and Brighton London and Blackwell London and Greenwich London and Birmingham.
Loudon and Croydon . .....
Manchester and Leeds Midland Counties North Midland South Eastern and Dover South-Western (Last Official Quotation 21 93 361 11} 51 180 13} 81 75 291 ex d.
64 105 8I. 10u 26/ 22} .124 351 42 29} 91 30 FLOUR.
Town-made ................per sack 5?s. to 57s. Seconds. . . . .....
Eons and eaoili, art board ship... 43 - 48
Norfolk and Stockton 48 BRAN per quarter 05.6o Os.
POLLARD. One Os. to Os. BREAD. 74d. to 9d. the 41b. Loa.
RIF:fi0.1 pa MIS MI. 6s.
65 0 Linseed Oil 81 0 Linseed Oil Cake per 1000 IS 10 CANDLES, per dozen, Os.0d. to Os. Od. Moulds Gat per doz. discount) Os. Od. COALS, Heston 505. 6.1. Tees lita. Od.