SATURDAY NIGHT. The two Houses of Parliament Met last night, after a week's recess._ In the House of Commons, Mr. CHARLES BULLER claimed precedence for bringing forward Mr.......
Prince Albert Sat Today As Lord Warden In The Court
of the Dutchy of Cornwall, at the office of the Dutchy in Somerset House • assisted by the Lord Chancellor , the Chief Justices of the Queen's B ench and Common Pleas, and the......
Last Night's Gazette Announced That The Queen Has...
dignity of knighthood on Mr. Laurence Peel, Chief Justice of the Su- preme Court of Judicature at Calcutta.......
The Times Having Animadverted This Morning, On Sir John...
because he did not bring forward the motion last night of which he had given notice, to restrict the inquiry of Mr. Roebuck's Committee, Sir John has written to the evening......
East India Shipping.
Arrived—At 'Gravesend, May 14th, John Knox, White, from Singapore. In the. Downs, 20th, Thomas Sparkes. Sparkes. from China. Off Portsmouth. 20th, Vigilant. Clarke. from Bombay.......
The Literary Gazette Of This Day Reports That Captain...
Allen had sailed from Ascension for the Niger before any orders from home could arrive to stop the expedition. " The accounts from the settle- ment were of a nature to require......
Money Market.
STOCK EIONANOE. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. There was a very great pressure for money during the early part of the week ; and under its operation as high as 10 per cent interest was given......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. On the 4th May. at Leeds. the Lady of the Rev. Jona BLAIR, of Scarborough, of a sou. On the 5th, at Heatheeld. Dundee, the Wife of the Rev. JOHN RoaBURan. of a son. Ou......