21 MAY 1842, Page 9



On the 4th May. at Leeds. the Lady of the Rev. Jona BLAIR, of Scarborough, of a sou. On the 5th, at Heatheeld. Dundee, the Wife of the Rev. JOHN RoaBURan. of a son. Ou the 11th, the Countess of HAnzwoon, of a daughter. On the 12th, at Eighton Cottage, Durham. Mrs. 3. MILNER FAVEI.I., of a daughter. On the lath, at Abbott's Ann Rectory, the Lady of the Hon. and Rev. S. Esher, of a son.

On the nth inst., at the Rectory, Bow, Devon, the Lady of the Rev. FREDERICK VANDER MEULEN, Of a daughter. On the 13th, at Portman Street, the Lady EMILY Smarms,' of a daughter. On the 14th, in Gloucester Place, Portman Square, the Lady of THOMAS SYDEFIVAL Cramie. Esq.. of Lincoln's Inn, Barristerat Law, of a daughter.

Ou the 14th. at Nosely Hall, Leicestershire, the Lady of Sir Ammon Gear HAYLE• moo, Bart., of a daughter. On the 15th, at Cl ulderton Lodge, Hants, the Wife of the Rev. WaDUAM Krixzeff nem.. of a son. On the 15th, iu Hereford Street, Park Laue, the Lady of the Hon. lticuAno Cavan- man, of a daughter. On the 15th, at North Berwick, the Hun. Mrs. CovErrrity, of a son. On the 16th, at St. Andrew's Terrace, Plymuuth, the Lady of Major NsweoRT, of ',- daughter. On the 16th. at Readiug, the Lady of Captain JAMES A. MURRAY. of a daughter. On the 19th, at Blackheath, the Lady of MAconEoott L %IAD, Esq., of a daughter.


On the 3+1 May, at Rutland Square. Sir FREDERIC Wit.mAn Drumm Bart., of Bondi'. to CAROLINE MARIE, daughter or the late William Gordon, Esq.. of Milk*. On the llth, at Henbury Church. Gloucester, Captain Maar C. SEYMOUR. Twenty- third Regiment Royal Welsh Fusileers. to MARY, oldest daughter or the late Rev. A. Daubeney, of Back-well House. in the county of Somerset. On the 13th, at Amlwell, Tunic is I'. Arrwyr.. Esq., of Ilengae, our Dolgolly, to ANNE MARIA, eldest daughter of W. P. Lhoyd, Esq., of Lhoydiarth. Anglesea. On the 14th, at Broadwater Church, Sussex, JOHN LYSAGIFT, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Dublin. only son of the late Nicholas Lysaght, Esq., of Mallow, Cork, to CAROLINE HARRIET, fourth daughter of the late Major General Alexander Deatson, of Healy, Sussex, formerly Governor of St. Helena.

°nate 17th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, Lieutenant-General Sir ions IlArtnuar. to CammoTTE, eldest daughter of the late Sir Nelson Ry croft, Bart.

At Hove, near Brighton. HARRY Derr GORING, Esq.. of Higholen, Sussex, eldest son of Sir C. F. Goring, Bart., to MARY. daughter and heiress of the late J. Griffith Lewis, of Llanddythan, Anglesea, and Relict of Julies Penton juniur, Esq., of Plasgwyn. At Doueraile. NELSON KEARNEY CoTTER, Esq., M.D., son of the late Sir J. L. COT- TER, Bart., to MARY, daughter of the late R. N8S011, Esq., of Bettyville, Cork.


On the 21st March, at Barbados, of yellow fever, WILLIAM THOMAS BURTON Frrz- GERALD. Lieutenant hi her :Majesty's Forty-sixth Regiment, third sou of Sir William Fitzgerald. of Caroagon. Bart.: in his 22d year. On the 4th May. at Benet Row, Edinburgh, Lady DUNDAS, Relict of Sir Robert Dun- des, of Beechwood. Bart.

On the 6th, at Edinburgh. Rear-Admiral Smottwer, of Bonhill.

On the 12th. at Hatfield. Hertfordshire, the Rev. }Immune Pelts, for nearly twenty years Curate of that parish; in his 44th year.

On the 13th, suddenly, the Rev. WILLIAM 51,tesn, M.A.. Chaplain of Merden College. Blackheath, Kent; in his 6411 year.

Ou the 14th, at his residence, Malkin Street. Grosvenor Place, the Rev. Sir Wmusst MURRAY, Bart., of Hill Head ; iu his 731 year. Oa the 14th, from the effects of a severe fall, Lleut-Colonel Amon, late of the First or King's Dragoon Guards; in his 74th year. On the 13th, at the house or her son-in.law, Joseph Gabbett, Esq.. of Lower Moan t Street, CnAmorre Rears LITTON, relict of Edward Litton, Esq., late of Holley Street; iu her 89th year. On the Idtb, at his residence, Porchester Place. Oxford Square, Hyde Park. Major FRANCIS Cm:pm:TER, late of the Fineenth Regiment of Foot; in his 65thyear. On the 17th, at his house in Brook Street, Lieut.-Colonel PATatcs 'Yaws Ammo-, C. B. , of Barnbarrock and Sheucham,Wagtonshire.

At Pau, Basses Pyrenees. Prance, the Host. Major Marmite, late Captain Second Life Guards; in his 321 year.

On board the Lady Macnaghten, on hie passage from Sydney to Calcutta. Major W. GazooRT, Sixty-third Bengal 14.1., eldest son of the late W. Gregory, Esq.; in hts, 534 year. At Lisbon, Major General Sir Ratan OMELET; in his 70th Sear. At Minton Hall, near Ludlow, the Lady of Sir W. IL RUOAR isocturrox, Bart.