Mr. Melling's Battle Of Agincourt.
A REMARKABLE instance of that latent ambition of English artists to distinguish themselves, which the Royal Commission of Fine Art has taken measures to develop, is afforded by......
Military Gazette.
WAR.OFFICE, May 20.-9th Regt. of Light Drags. -D. F. M'Nevin. Gent. to be Cornet, bypurchnse. vice Mae n, promoted. 1st Regt. of Foot-C. Rivers. Gent. to be Ensign. by purchnee.......
Burford's Panorama Of Cabul.
Ma. BURFORD, ever on the alert to picture foreign scenes for the grati- fication of stay-at-home travellers, has produced a beautiful and interest- ing panoramic view of Cahul;......
Fine Arts.
. A SECOND VISIT TO THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITION. ON ont^second visit to the Royal Academy Exhibition, the poverty of the display of art was more conspicuous than before ; but......