[To the 'Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—I hope that " Traveller " will forgive me for saying that his letter published in your issue of November 14th is not a very helpful contribution to the discussion. It consists of general criticism based on hearsay evidence and sneers at the suggestion that improvements are being effected in British hotels. This sort of criticism, in fact, makes hotel keepers despair.
If, " Traveller " is genuinely anxious to see improvements made, why does he not forward specific complaints to those who are doing all they can to improve hotel conditions, viz., the Hotels and Restaurants Association, 11 Southampton Row, W.C. 1, and the Residential Hotels Association, 4 Upper Bedford Place; Russell Square, W.C. 1 ? The first mentioned body represents mainly the licensed hotels in all parts of the country and the other body mainly the residential hotels.
Regarding the question Traveller " addresses to me as to where are the good country hotels, to which I referred in my letter to you published so long ago as September 14th last, no doubt the Travel Manager of the Spectator. will endorse my statement that very many exist and give him the benefit of his advice.—I am, Sir, &c.,
L. A. de L. MEREDITH, General Manager, The Travel Association of Great Britain and Ireland. Kinnaird House, 1 Pall Mall East, London, S.W .1.